
Five Energy-Saving Tips for the Holidays

December 8, 2020 by Spectrum Credit Union

Your holiday lights are on blast. The oven is working overtime. Everyone is home with the lights, television, and computers going 24/7. The holidays can be an energy guzzler.

It’s not just a drain on your energy, it can have a major impact on your wallet as well. But you don’t have to go full Grinch to save money. Here are five energy-saving tips for the holidays.

1. Lighten your holidays with LEDs.

LED lights use 80-90% less energy than conventional ones. Spruce them up a little with some garlands and ornaments and you have a festive décor for a fraction of the energy cost.

2. Dim the lights, relax, and unplug.

If a room is not in use, turn the lights off. Don’t forget to unplug items that drain energy even when they are off, like computers, televisions, and cell-phone chargers.

3. Park the car in the garage.

You might not have to drive at all this holiday season. You can shop online and even host a virtual family get-together.

4. Keep it at a cool 68.

Heating is the highest energy expense in most homes, so turning the heater down could save you a ton. Don’t make your home feel like the North Pole, but lowering the temperature and rocking a fancy holiday sweater can be festive.

5. Pause before you press start.

Use the oven more efficiently by cooking multiple dishes at the same time. When the meal is done, consider washing the dishes by hand, or only using the dishwasher when it’s full.

Don’t let your energy bill put a lump of coal in your stocking this year. These five tips can help you be conscious of and reduce your energy consumption. Happy holidays!

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